General Knowledge

Geography general knowledge questions

Frequently asked Geography general knowledge questions about India

1. What is the total area of India ?
Answer: 3.28 million square kilometer (3,287,782)

2. What is the percentage of India's area with respect to world's ?
Answer: 2.42 %

3. What is the Northern most Tip of India ?
Answer: Indira Col (Army point)

4. What is the Southern most point of India ?
Answer:  Indira Point (Pigmalion point)

5. What is the Southern most point of Indian main land ?
Answer:  Cape Camorin

6. What is the Eastern most point of India ?
Answer: Tri junction (meeting point of India, China and Myanmar)

7. What is the Western most point of India ?
Answer: Cori Point

* 8. What is the distance from north to south (India)?
Answer: 3,214

* 9. What is the distance from east to west (India)?
Answer: 2,933

* 10. What is the length of land frontier of India ?
Answer: 15,200

* 11. What is the length of coastline of India ?
Answer: 7516.6

12. Which is the second highest peak in the world ?
Answer: Mount K2 (Godwin Austin)

* important previously asked question
Did you know which Vitamin is used for ELISA test (AIDS) ?


  1. Mt. K2 is the highest peak of india situated in pok


    1. Thank you very much for noting the error.

      Mt. K2 is the second highest peak in the world. and sorry for the error.

      Thank you


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